Automotive Intelligent Sensor Technology Training Set
About Feature Technical Parameter Basic Configuration
The automotive intelligent sensor technology kit simulates some common intelligent automation processing scenarios in daily life, such as smart vehicles and Internet-of-things. Through disassembly and analysis methods, students are led to explore the principles behind the combination of mechanical sensor parts and the Internet of Things behind various automations in life. Through DIY presentations and the "learning by doing" teaching method, the knowledge and smart car machines are organically combined, and students are encouraged to integrate the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics in hands-on operations to cultivate students' comprehensive qualities.

Supporting automotive intelligent sensor technology basic education platform software, the platform supports mobile learning scenarios, integrates supporting teaching resources in the software, making it convenient for teachers to use in teaching.


Applicable courses:

1. Automotive intelligent sensing technology;

2. Application of automotive makers;

3. In-Vehicle network technology;

4. C language programming;

5. Principles of automotive electronic control technology;

6. Fundamentals of Python.


 Requirements for controlling motherboard parameters:
3.1 Main control ATMENGA328P, working voltage 6-9V;
3.2 Support programming platforms: Android/iOS/Windows Scratch graphical programming, Arduino IDE programming;
3.3 Main control interface: Universal input port X5, Universal output port X5, DC motor interface X4, ultrasonic interface X1, remote control interface X1, Bluetooth/program download interface X1, multifunctional interface (I2C) X2, etc;


The automotive intelligent sensor technology set includes one set of experimental teaching set, one experimental textbook, and one educational tablet.


Sensor set: Main control module, 0.96 inch LED screen, 8 * 9 LED matrix, LED light (red), LED light (green), LED light (blue), MP3 sensor (horn), RGB light, ultrasonic sensor, touch switch, buzzer, light sensor, infrared sensor, flame sensor, air pressure sensor, sound sensor, rain sensor, humidity sensor, rotary switch, pressure sensor, color recognition sensor, encoding switch, gesture recognition sensor, temperature sensors, gyroscopes, Hall sensors, laser sensors, control rod, motor fans, IOT modules, ultrasonic wire, 4PIN sensor extension cable, 3PIN sensor extension cable, etc.